Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Why I do what I do

A few months ago I was sitting in the darkened sanctuary of my church. I wasn't alone, there were a few hundred of my closest friends there with me. We made it thru the music and announcements. The communion and the offering. There was nothing particularly monumental or earth shattering going on in my life. I was just a mom staring down the last two weeks of school before summer break commenced. I had some vague thoughts about what life might look like after the summer, but I didn't have a lot of goal or directional focus. It had been lost somewhere during the day to day life of the rapidly ending school year.

The message that was shared that morning was about having the Good Life. A life that goes the distance, invests in others. Is both relational and analytical. I was taking my notes so I could have a vague hope of recalling them later. Then I heard this:
Compassionate opportunities are born of the Holy Spirit in my heart. May we overlap our relationships allowing for vulnerability and sharing. That we may help one another. 

It all came back.

The purpose, the calling, the reason I go back and forth in my writing. Three years ago I was at a retreat with some other leaders. We were exploring what our roles would be on the team. Also, what might be the reason we were here on this planet. Just a few small questions, right? But as I sat in some quiet time and meditated on a passage of scripture, it came to me. I was to be a voice calling out to the world that there was healing and hope for them. At that time I had no idea what it was going to look like. I had barely lasted three months as a blogger. I had a bare calendar and my only teaching opportunities were showing my kids how to not be brats in society and helping a bi-weekly class of pre-K kids that Jesus loves them while their Moms got to have a nice breakfast and grown-up conversation. 

Fast-forward to last spring. I was on this leadership team and had spoken all over my state last year. I led and developed curriculum for an international organization, we came to a church that hosts over one hundred women and I had the joy of being one of the table leaders.

All this to say, it took some time to find the practical application to the spiritual calling. I can go into all the verses that sustained me in my time of waiting. That my timing is not the Lord's. That His ways are higher than mine. That every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. I leave those to be your bread of life while you wait for your calling.

Maybe you need to develop what your calling is. Maybe you don't think you have one. 

But you do.

It will be revealed to you. Your job is to seek out God. To walk humbly before Him. Love your neighbor and speak up for those that have no voice.

He is waiting and has a plan for you. Seek him and find it. 

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