Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Loving out Loud instead of Yelling

This post originally appeared for Jesus Sisters. To check out more inspiration, go to the Jesus Sisters Facebook Page, or follow them on Instagram @JesusSisters

Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. Mt. 7:6

What the heck does Jesus even mean by this? Give dogs what is sacred? Throwing pearls at pigs? Like a lot of what Jesus says, we need some help with interpreting the meaning for today. Thankfully, there is help out there. He's called the Holy Spirit. Along with just over two thousand years of commentary. 

Have you ever tried to explain to someone something that is important to you? Not just something that is a need, but something you dearly love. As in, if it was a choice between this thing and your family, you might hesitate? Now let's say that person you're explaining to just doesn't get it. No matter how enthusiastically you explain your favorite, the person just doesn't get it. This is what Jesus meant about not giving your sacred things to animals, really people, that will not get it. 

When Jesus mentions sacred things, He is talking about the stuff we can only understand after we have said, Yes! to Him. When we surrender to Jesus, we also are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. A gift that allows us to understand sacred things. This is why when we share with other Christians, they get excited with us. But when we try and share with a non-believer the good God is doing in our life, we get a blank stare at best. 

God knows what is going to happen. He does not need us to convince others with our words that His is the Way. What God does want us to do is to love others. To show them Jesus by acting the way Jesus did. By following the commands given to us in the New Testament. This is NOT a license to never share your faith journey with non-believers. That is the opposite of evangelism. It is permission to let your light shine thru your actions and behaviors in the world. So that when outsiders notice that you are different. That your family does things a little differently than the rest of the neighborhood, you then have an opportunity to start sharing your treasure. 

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