Thursday, June 2, 2022


Awhile ago, I took my car in for an oil change. As I was going in, another lady was leaving the store. We had some features in common like hair color and the number of kids in tow. When I came up to the counter, the attendant asked me what else I needed. As in, weren’t you just here? Then he realized that I was in fact someone else. A tiny, ok a large, part of my pride wanted to point out the various differences between myself and the previous customer but I kept my ego in check and politely smiled instead.

I was thinking about the mistaken identity. Why did that bother me? I think it was because every part of my self, that is my sinful nature, wants so badly to be noticed for me. In fact, a huge part of our culture is all about being noticed, recognized or even influential. As Christ followers, our worth is not found in the opinion of others. It's not even found if strangers notice us. The only one who needs to see us is our Father in heaven. He sees us so intimately that Luke 12:7 says "He knows the number of hairs on our heads." Psalm 139:13-18 talks specifically how God knew us before we were even born. God knows the plans and dreams you have in your heart. Trust that one day, God will fulfill the dreams He has laid out for us. 

The next time that a barista gets your name wrong or the store greeter completely disregards you, I want you to have these words; “It’s ok that they mistook me or ignored me. I’m not here to be noticed, I am here so others will notice Christ in me.” Perhaps it’s not your turn to stand out. Maybe it will never be your turn.  Keep on serving Jesus, and one day you will be rewarded with a crown of glory in heaven. Because you are seen by our King. That is our hope and eternal reward.  I hope this encourages you! Let me know if it does. 

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