Friday, July 16, 2021

Femme Friday Sheerah


                                                                        via GIPHY

Am I really writing about the eighties cartoon heroine She-ra? No, I am not. Nor am I writing about the reboot on Netflix. I am talking about a daughter-descendent of Joshua, thru his son Ephraim. Sheerah was a woman known for being a builder of cities. 

In 1 Chronicles 7:24 we see this verse: 

Here we see another woman from a foundational family that is being highlighted for her work in establishing Israel in the promised land. Sheerah is not known for anything else in the Scriptures. She is known as a builder. A builder of not just one city, but of several. One of which bears her name as part of its title. 

What cities are you building? I'm guessing that it's not a literal city like Sheerah did. But we each are building communities. Communities that influence our surroundings. Communities that we can influence as well. Where are you creating spaces that can be a place of home. A place to rest and find refuge. 

When it comes to the end of my life, I want to be known as a woman who built places for people to come together. Places where I and those I have loved can be together. A city where there are no boundaries on race. A place where we all can share our broken parts and find healing. The ultimate city to me is a place of rest for the weary and somewhere the weary traveler can call home. That's the kind of city I want to build. 

May we each be like Sheerah. A woman known for building not one, or two, but three cities. Places for her family to be established. Towns that were given to her by her father as an equal inheritance as her brothers were given. Let's not be afraid to name the places we are building. Letting them be beacons of hope to a world that is troubled. 

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