Friday, July 9, 2021

Femme Friday X5


It's been a long trek. You and your sisters were born somewhere in a desert. Your father has passed away. The whole nation has crossed into the promised land. It's very exciting and new. There are so many things to be taken care of. You see families and clans moving to new parcels of land with the sure-step of those well-provided for. As the oldest, there is a current of fear running through. Your other four sisters are counting on you. But in a world where inheritance is only given to the sons of a family, you are left wondering where that leaves you and the family of women needing provision. Yes, there are laws about leaving the outside crops for those who don't have land of their own. But the growing season is at it's end. Leaving a long time until the next harvest. There is just one thing to do. One thing that will provide consistency and stability for you and your sisters. 

This is where we find Zelophehed's daughters. Mahlah, Noa, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirza were the only children of their father. They were young enough to not have husbands of their own, but old enough to understand they were in a precarious situation. There world depended on men from their family to care for them. Until they could find husbands and then male heirs to continue that care. These girls had neither. They came up with a plan. A bold one. A plan no one else had ever come to Moses and his advisors before. This is what they asked, "Could the inheritance pass to them, the daughters of Zelophehed instead of his portion of the promised land being absorbed by the rest of Menasseh?" 

Moses wasn't sure. Neither was Eleazar, the chieftans or anyone else in the assembly tent. Moses took the issue to God. God said the sister's plea was just. They should inherit the property of their father. That in this case of no male heirs, the daughters could inherit. Imagine the sense of relief those girls felt. They would not have to scrounge for food, or worry about provisions. They were honoring their father and the holy commandment to keep the provided lands inside their family. 

Before there was an answer to their pleas, Zelophehed's daughters needed to be brave. They needed faith that the God who had brought them out of the desert to the promised land would not leave them desolate. The women and men were promised that Zion would be a place of blessing and abundance. As long as the people followed God and upheld their part of the covenant. Mahlah, Noa, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirza all had to have faith in God to have the bravery necessary to stand up in a culture that left them with very little power. God showed them just how generous His power and protection are. 

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