Monday, August 9, 2021

A Reintroduction


When reading another author's "Hello" post, I realized it's been awhile since I have let everyone know a bit about me. Yes, I have my short bio, but here are a few more details you may or may not know. 

1. I have moved around 15 times. Most of those have been in Michigan and Ohio. Thus, I have a strong midwestern accent. I also am big on practicality and moderation. 

2. I am married and have a few kids. It keeps me busy and reminds me why I and others need grace every minute of every day. 

3. I love cake. Literally could eat it at every meal. Specifically- pineapple upside down and German

chocolate. Cupcakes are great cause then I get a variety. 

4. I hate exercise. But do it for the cake. See above. 

5. I would rather read than almost anything else. This sometimes makes it hard to focus on other pursuits. 

6. I am committed to helping others on their Spiritual journey. I believe God has a unique calling for each of us. And that the world will be a better place when it hears your voice. 

7. Jesus is my rescuer, savior, friend and mission in life. If I'm not pointing you back to Jesus, I'm living life incorrectly. 

8. I hate summer. 

9. When choosing vacations, I would rather be up in the mountains than on a beach. 

10. I love to travel. Experiencing new cultures and foods is my favorite way to meet others while broadening my horizons. 

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