Friday, August 20, 2021

Femme Friday Anna


It had been a long time. Anna had been at the temple for the last eighty-four years. Although her knees creaked and her joints ached, there was no place Anna would rather be than at the temple of God. She had spent the last eight decades of her life in service there. Praying and fasting along the temple walls in supplication to God for His return, for another deliverance from Israel's oppressor's. 

This day is different from the other days. There is a stirring in Anna's spirit that hasn't been there before. While Anna is walking thru the temple courtyard, she hears another prophet, Simeon, praising God for a baby. Simeon is using words that haven't been assigned to a person in a long time. Calling this child Sovereign, salvation, a light for the Gentiles, and the glory for the people of Israel. Anna knew these words were the fulfillment of prophecies from Isaiah. She was overjoyed and so broke into song with

Simeon. Telling all she ran into that this Jesus was the promised salvation for the Israelites. 

Can you imagine? At youngest, Anna was eighty-four. At the outside range, she was one-hundred and five. Either way, that's a long time to wait for a fulfillment. A promise of deliverance. But wait Anna did. Even though Anna became a widow just seven years after marrying, Anna spent the next eight decades of her life in service at the temple. Fasting and praying for deliverance. For change. For God to return and rule Jerusalem again. 

Anna didn't hustle to find a new husband. She didn't return to her family of origin to be taken care of. Anna went to the temple and dedicated herself to seeking out God's face. What a lesson for us! Anna isn't remembered because she stayed in the desperate place of having no husband or security. When Anna's marriage ended, left without children or even a kinsman redeemer, Anna returned to her place of sanctuary and comfort. To the house of God. 

Is that where you go? Is it where I go when life gets hard? When it becomes unbearable because of unfairness, or hurt, or pain? Do we run back to the source of our comfort and peace? I wish I could say yes, that's my first response. But it's not. So often I turn to the softer and more tactile comforts of food, sleep and distraction. I complain to friends or family. 

That usually leads to feeling inadequately soothed. Friends and family don't know me omnisciently the way God does. They have helped shape me, but they did not form me in my mother's womb. Sleep and food are necessary, but they do not provide renewal that lasts the way the Spirit of Living Water does. While distractions are great for providing humor and entertainment, they are not nourishing my soul to respond to the call God has placed on my life. 

Let us remember, like Anna did, that we find the best comfort in the Comforter. May we come back to the Master Planner when we are waiting for the plan to be revealed. I pray our first stop is at the feet of Jesus when we are unsure, hurting and lost. He alone can lead us to the promise, no matter how long it takes to be revealed. 

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