Friday, September 10, 2021

Femme Friday Mary Magdalene


Once you get to the New Testament of the Bible, there are a lot of Mary's. Mary of Bethany, Mary of Rome, Mary Mother of Jesus, Mary of Clopas, Mary Mother of John Mark, and Mary Magdalene. There are several of ways that Mary Magdalene has been portrayed throughout history. Depending on the ruling religious authorities and cultural standards, Mary Magdalene has been portrayed as the woman who wept on Jesus's feet, a common prostitute, a financier of Jesus's ministry or the Apostle to the Apostles. Whatever her role, Mary Magdalene has had influence within the Christian church and outside of it. Her first role was that of a woman needing healing from a Savior. 

Reference to Mary Magdalene is found in each of the four gospels. All four tell the story of a woman who found Christ and became one His followers. She didn't just follow Him, Mary was also one of the women that financed the ministry of Jesus for the three and a half years He taught. Luke 8:2-3 mentions Mary as one that supported Jesus out of her own resources. So she had some wealth, and thus, freedom. Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus because He brought seven demons out of her. Demons in ancient times were attributed to everything from epilepsy to mental health. To have seven would indicate Jesus probably had to spend a lot of time with Mary Magdalene. This would give her time to get to know the Jesus that was teaching around the areas she lived in. Mary shows us that time with the Savior always leaves us changed. That we cannot stay in the same place we were when first encountering Christ. 

 Mary was present at the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Not just present with other witnesses at the resurrection- Mary was the first to know that Jesus was resurrected. Imagine how breath-taking that would be. Mary thought she was there to say a final goodbye to the man who had transformed her life. She has the burial elements of linen and herbs. There are oddities about the scene, no more soldier, no rock over the opening of the tomb, no body. Mary sees someone she thinks is the gardener. Asking where the body of Jesus went, Mary then hears her name. The way Jesus said her name let Mary know this was no ordinary gardener. This was the Master Gardener. The one she had walked beside for the last few years. Mary Magdalene was an intimate follower of Jesus. There with the other men and women who were brought into the New Way. 

Mary Magdalene is another woman who didn't allow culture or society dictate what her faith needed to be. She saw the light in Jesus and knew it was something that she herself needed. Mary Magdalene then went on to support the Healer who had delivered her, allowing others to find the same hope and healing. Mary shows us that we don't have to stay in our circumstances. That with obedience and commitment, we can be part of a bigger life than just our own. The work of ministry needs all of us. 

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