Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Do I really have influence?

"Influencer marketing has existed in the modern era since the 1930s, but in truth it could be traced back to ancient Rome when gladiators actually endorsed products. However, the word "influencer" only entered the modern lexicon in the past decade and was only officially added to the English dictionary last year."


  1. the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.
    "the influence of television violence"
  2. verb
    1. have an influence on.

If you have been alive and out of childhood during the last decade, I'm sure you have heard of the social media platform Instagram. Instagram, or Insta as the kids say, is a photo sharing platform. It is another place where we can share captions of our lives. Because we can't have nice things without corporate interference, Insta has also become a swampland of advertising, promotions, contests and look-at-me. With all the noise of social media, the populace now competes even louder to be seen, heard and noticed. With all the clamor, it's hard to believe that our individual voices even matter. This unending stream of pictures and sound can make it easy to feel lost. That the effort of putting out our own messages isn't worth the return. Why take the time to speak truth in a whirlwind of lies? Why bother calling out into the wilderness if the storm seems bigger than my voice? 

Because that's what we are told to do. Not for followers, not for likes. We are told to call out and influence those around us. It begins at home, spreads to our places of work and learning. What are we spreading instead of advertising and look at me? We are spreading the love of our God. A love that quiets the souls quest for meaning. A gospel that brings hope and restoration the spirit worn out by comparison and greed. This love teaches us a countercultural way to live life. Instead of having photo evidence of every moment in our life, we rely on the everlasting memory of our Heavenly Father to remember the good deeds we do in secret. Instead of trying to get clicks on videos and likes on posts, we are taught how to invest fully in others. Carrying burdens together while also holding each other accountable to the way of Christ. When tempted to only put the image that has the best filter, we are vulnerable and open about our struggles with aging, imperfection, and broken relationships. 

When I look at social media, I see a tool that can used for good. Or it can be used for evil. Only thru the perfectly balanced lens of Truth will I know how to use these accounts for the benefit of Christ's kingdom. We do have influence in this world. We are bearers of the light. Here to stop the spread of darkness. To bring honesty where there are lies. To offer substance instead of fluff. May we each be children of the way, dedicated to sharing the Father's love with those around us. 

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