Friday, October 8, 2021

Femme Friday- Priscila


In the New Testament, we find a couple that was in ministry with Paul. Priscilla and Aquila were Greeks who became Christians in the early years of Christianity. Priscilla was Greek and Aquila was a freed Jew. Not only were they in ministry, but they also traveled with Paul and made tents together. This couple is named Priscila and Aquila. Priscila and Aquila were known to be a foundational support to the early church. They are always named together. They are mentioned specifically in the books of Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians and 2 Timothy. 

Of the six times they are mentioned in the New Testament, Aquila is named first only twice, while Priscila is named first the other four times? Why does this matter? Because in letter writing, along with other ancient writings, names were mentioned in the order of most important to least important. Giving Priscila prominence in a list meant that she could have been thought to be the better teacher and disciple. Priscila and Aquila were the teachers of Apollos (Acts 18:26), correcting his misuse, incorrect teaching of the gospel, and then leading him on the correct path of instruction. Apollos went on to be one of the prolific missionaries of the first century church. Priscila is thought by some to be the anonymous author of the book of Hebrews. Things such as an emphasis on the women of faith in Hebrews 11, the ability to understand the plight of Israel while in exile, and female imagery a few of the ways in which it is possible to see Priscilla as the author of this great book. We also see that Priscilla was lauded for her instructional abilities by both Paul and Luke. Priscilla was a church-planter, apologist, teacher and disciple maker up through 50 A.D. Right alongside of Paul and other leaders that were establishing the day to day practices of the Christian church.  

There is much evidence that Pricilla was a woman who led the church. From the website, "Archaeological research suggests that someone named Priscilla held a position of tremendous honor in the early church. Her name was found inscribed on Roman monuments, churches, and on an ancient Roman burial site called the Coemeterium Priscillae. One of the earliest churches in Rome was known as the “Titulus of St. Priscilla.” Moreover, a woman named Priscilla was said to have been burned to death in the Ostia Way, and was buried in what was later discovered as the Church of St. Prisca." In later years, we see that the role of Pricilla as a leader in the church was suppressed. This could be to make the gospel more appealing to a male-dominated society. This could also explain why the author of Hebrews is anonymous. To have a part of the Biblical cannon written by a woman would have been astonishing. Even though women were a large part of Jesus' ministry, Paul's and the early church's foundation. 

Priscila is a woman of valor. She worked as a co-laborer for the early church. She supported her family and the early ministry efforts as a tent-maker with Paul and her husband Aquila. Priscilla is a heroine of faith because of her role in teaching others how to share their faith correctly. Priscilla lived in three different countries and was integral to the spread of the gospel. Let us join with her in being bold in our gifting. 

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