Thursday, January 13, 2022

Encouragement from a smile



. Smiling is one of my favorite things to do. It communicates kindness. It can communicate sympathy, gentleness, or fun. Smiling can take the bite out of a tense conversation. Or it can let a conversation partner know when you are joking. Smiling is one of the first ways we see an infant communicate with their parents. Smiling also allows us to show welcome to another who is from a different culture. 

Smiling is a way to show you care without having a conversation. 

Did you know that God smiles over you, dear one? That the Creator of our world, the One who moves mountains and also calms seas, is also smiling over you? Yes, it's true. God, big, intimidating, and all-powerful, loves you. He cares for you. In the book of Numbers we see that He loves His people so much that He blesses them through Moses. That same blessing is still there for you and me. 

I'm not talking about a name and claim it prosperity gospel type of blessing. I'm talking about a blessing that when the road gets tough, God is still there with you. When your enemies (spiritual, emotional or physical) show up, then God is there fighting for you. This type of blessing goes far beyond the gifts of prosperity, money or fame. This blessing takes you through this world and into the heavenly realm. 

Have you ever felt that? A smile from God? Some call them God-winks. Others call them divine intervention. I like to think of it as God smiling down on me. When I have over-committed myself or my family and then plans fail, that's God smiling down on me. When I walk into a meeting barely prepared because of life and the Holy Spirit takes that meeting over, it's God smiling down on me again. If I'm to tired to make dinner and we can't eat anymore cereal, my husband showing up with a large pepperoni and some breadsticks is God smiling down on me again. God loves you and me both so much, that He can't help but smile over us. 

How are you seeing God smile over you today? 

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