Thursday, January 6, 2022

My goal is to encourage


As I was floundering around my house in a feverish haze this past week, I saw someone post about a word for this year. A lot of people set resolutions, words, intentions or any other type of goal for the new year. It's a thing I know people in developed nations do. Usually by the third week of January all those well intended self-promises have faded into the background of daily life. 

There's been a bit of soul-searching going on for me lately. I've been praying and searching for what God wants me to do with this ministry of His. Because it's not my goal to write to hear my own voice. It feels false and icky to self-promote when the Bible says to be totally dependent on Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But there is an effort to be done on my part. I can sit on my comfy couch and wait for Christ to bring the work to me, but that's not how Jesus did things. So why should I get to minister from my couch? I don't think Jesus even had a couch. He was pretty clear about not even having a place to rest His head each night. 

Then I read in Colossians 2:1-2 and understanding of the Holy Spirit said, " THIS! HEAR IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO!" The two things I love most are Jesus and words. And my family. My family comes before words. So that's what will be happening hear. We will go through the Bible each week and get some encouragement for our weary souls. Because friends, it's not out there. Encouragement and life can only be found through the source of Eternal Life. We find Him in the pages of Scripture. In the daily practice of prayer and submitting ourselves to Him. 

Won't you join me reader? 

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