Thursday, August 6, 2015

A sacrifice

Sometimes we are called to let go of things that we have held to. 

Like a town we love. Or a
Favorite past time that we outgrow. Sometimes we only have things for a short time and then need to let go of them. 

For me, working full time wasn't necessarily a dream, but having a sense of accomplishment and being able to go some place that didn't require the imagination of Disney with the negotiating skills of a UN diplomat was restful. But it was also becoming to much. 

There was never enough time for anything to be done, let alone done well. It was work/kids/bed Monday to Friday. Then a quick pick up of the house on Saturday with church on Sunday's. Then getting ready for the next week. 

A few nights ago all the kids told me in a different way that they needed me home. And so I laid down my new working mom identity and said yes to them. It was a little embarrassing to have to leave my job and new co-workers, but I know it's the right decision. I'm putting my family first. And that's ok. It's the best decision for us. To quote my soon to be former boss, what regrets can I have for putting my family first? 

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