A long long time ago, in a land that has changed and yet still remains the same, there was woman named Phoebe. She lived on the coast of Greece in a city called Cenchreae, which is modern day Kechries. Phoebe was a woman of means, a benefactress of many social programs in the ancient world. Specifically, she supported and helped to build the church of Cenchreae. This was located eight to nine miles from Corinth according to gotquestions.org.
Phoebe is remarkable for a few different reasons. Number one, is that she is one of the earliest disciples in the Christian church. She worked closely with Paul, the most renown apostle for the spread of the gospel among gentiles (non-Jewish) believers. Phoebe not only helped Paul financially, she also was a leader within her home church and also the early church. Phoebe is classified as a deacon in the passage of Romans 16:1-2. Deacon can have a few different meanings, including servant, preaching and evangelizing. It also has connotations for leadership and assisting those in authority with in the church. According to Rosalba Manes, "Paul's use of the word deacon suggests that, like Stephen and Phillip, Phoebe's ministry went beyond charitable works to include preaching and evangelization."
It is notable that Paul mentions Phoebe specifically in Romans because it shows the strength of Phoebe's character. To be trusted with working along side the early church leaders, providing financially, loving the poor is proof that Phoebe is an example of faithful living. Paul was not "down on women".
In an article found on Christianity Today, the three traits Phoebe shows of the early church is that
1. Paul was not 'down on women'. Women were (and should be still) valued as equal members in the church. Since the ministry of Jesus found in the four gospels, we have seen how the Christian faith was one of lifting women up. Of restoring them back to the equal status they were originally given when created as an equal partner of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Paul is simply continuing that shift in culture. Women were little more than property in the ancient (and sometimes modern world). To elevate a woman to a place of authority within the church shows how highly ANY individual was valued within the early church.
3. God puts His followers within family. Phoebe is called a 'sister' by Paul. She was lifted up not just as his sister in Christ, but also a sister of the Roman Christians she is bringing Paul's letter to.
I hope that I can be a leader like Phoebe. That I can show my daughter, nieces and any other young woman walking alongside me now or coming after me, that there is a place for her within the church. That she can be exactly who God made her to be. That our God doesn't give us gifts so we can put them in a box the world says they have to fit in. But instead, that like the Greek meaning of Phoebe's name, we can shine brilliantly and with radiance.
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