Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Pudding for Breakfast

 This is the kind of thing I usually have for breakfast. It's full of all the things that are good for me. It's easy to drink down all those vitiamins and nutrients in a few easy gulps. I feel good when I eat it. My family tries not to vomit.

Sometimes, though, I don't want a green smoothie. I try to hold out for something more at lunch time. Maybe a hearty salad or bowl of soup. Then there are other times I just can't sate that sweet tooth. 

Last night I made some pudding for dessert. We don't always have dessert after dinner, but we do usually have a sweet tooth in our home. In an effort to cut down on sugar and "eat better" I made sugar free chocolate pudding. It was delicious. My family thought it was so great to have pudding. I thought it was pretty great to. However, with two adults, two teens and a sugar-addicted tween the double portion of pudding I made did not last long. In fact that five cups of chocolate pudding was quickly reduced to a single serving. I talked our oldest down from "just finishing off" the pudding and we made our way downstairs for family time. We all slurped down the pudding and resumed the evening. 

This morning, I was helping the youngest make her lunch for school. She filled up a container with the last of the pudding. But there were a couple spoons left. I put it back in the fridge, cause someone was going to want that tiny serving. It's me, I'm the someone. But in an effort to delay gratification and not get caught by the teens I waited to "finish off" the pudding. 

The youngest is at school. I came home and "researched" what to write about. Read- noodled on my phone until I couldn't face the guilt of not working anymore. I still needed something though. Something to sate the need for a treat and also quiet the rumbling of my stomach.  The pudding was calling me from the fridge. I knew it
was there right on the top shelf, front and center. So I did it. I ate the last spoonfuls of that delicious chilled chocolaty goodness. And I don't regret a bite!

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