Thursday, January 20, 2022

We serve cause we are to serve

 As anyone who has ever done a job that requires labor will tell you, being thanked is nice. In fact, it goes a long way towards making sure someone will do the job again. When I was a younger wife (and still now) I like to be recognized for the work I do. Words of affirmation are my jam. I want what I do to matter and if someone notices my work, it helps me feel necessary. That can cause turmoil in my relationships if I don't feel like what I'm doing matters for the person or organization I am serving. Not being thanked can lead to feeling frustrated and conversations ending in what's the point?! Soon after that I'm probably going to walk away. 

How does that translate to the kingdom of God? When serving God, there are a lot of times when the work I do is done by myself. Or it's done in a way that is repetitive. Things like doing laundry or dishes for my family are not chores I get thanked for. Making dinner and having healthy snacks in the house is not something my kids sing my praises for at the city gate. Most of the things done in this house to make it run are done simply because they need to be. 

Looking at the passage from Luke 17:7-10, that's often the way of the work we do. We serve God because that's what we are called to do. We serve our families, work, church, and school groups because as ambassador's of Christ, that's what we are called to do. It's not for human accolades or earthly praise, but because when we do work, it is to be done as serving God and not others. When I can focus on my daily tasks at home as serving God and blessing my family, it helps take the drudgery out of the task. Helping my kids with their homework becomes a time to connect and not just a futile effort in patience. When I remove the need for my own deeds to be recognized as done well, I can focus on the needs of others better. 

Is a thank-you or well-done a nice added touch to a hard job finished? Yes, of course. We all want to know that what we do and are is seen. But that can't be the focus of what we do in service. Our focus must remain on God, who created us to serve Him out of love. When we focus on the heavenly things, we can know that this is also where our rich rewards will be. 

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