Friday, March 12, 2021

Femme Friday- Hagar


A long time ago in the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Christian Bible, there was a man named Abraham. Abraham was given a promise that he would be the father of a nation. So Abraham and his first wife, Sarah, waited to be parents. They waited, and waited and waited. Sarah grew impatient with the Lord and took matters into her own hands. She told Abraham to take her maid-servant called Hagar as his wife. Basically, Sarah wanted to move God's plan along because Sarah wasn't getting any younger. If she and Abraham were going to be the parents of a mighty nation, they needed to use all means necessary to build their brood. Abraham slept with Hagar, she became pregnant with a son. Hagar named her son Ishmael, which means- "God has harkened" or harold this child. Meaning Ishmael had divine importance. 

However, Sarah's plan was not God's plan. After a few more years, fourteen to be exact, Sarah has a baby of her own. Sarah's baby was named Isaac, meaning "he will laugh". Sarah becomes jealous of Hagar and Hagar's son, Ishmael. The maid she forced her husband on is no longer worthy of Sarah's presence. Hagar has become a threat. Sarah convinces Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael into the wilderness, with nothing. 

Can you imagine? Hagar was Egyptian, a foreigner. She had worked closely with Abraham and Sarah. Hagar was a part of their family. Fourteen years of Ishmael's life Hagar and Ishmael thought he was the fulfillment of a promise to build a great nation. Instead of receiving that blessing and protection- this family of two is throne out into the desert. Left to find their own way or die. 

It would be really sad if that was the end. And it almost is. But when Hagar and Ishmael are in the middle of the desert, they cry out to the God of Abraham and Sarah. God hears them. On the brink of dehydration, fully disillusioned, Hagar and Ishmael receive a new promise from God. That Ishmael will also rise up as the father of a mighty nation. This is the beginning of the Islamic nation. 

Why is Hagar a hero? Her son is the forerunner of a nation pitted against Hebraic culture? Hagar is a woman of heroism because she does not quit. When Hagar was faced with tremendous opposition, she rose up. Hagar served Sarah and Abraham faithfully. Then was given the worst sort of outcome. But Hagar persisted. Hagar shows us the lengths a woman can and will go to save her children. Hagar is an example of using whatever and all resources at her disposal to find a way forward. Her sacrifice and bravery are examples to us all. 

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