Monday, March 15, 2021

Where do you find rest?

 Sleep is one of the most used ways to escape. When I am overwhelmed, I get tired. When I don't want to deal with something, I take a nap. When I am in that in between at the end of the day deciding do I watch a show or read a book, I usually just go to bed. In the morning when I don't want to exercise, I hit snooze and go back to sleep. To submit to the pull of the sandman, is my go to for avoidance. 

But is that really rest? 

Sleep means a couple of different things. It can mean to be in a state of, where our muscles are relaxed and our mind is inactive. It can also mean the gunk that forms at the corner of our eyes. Sleep can be a verb or a noun. It can be for rest, but it can also mean we are more tired when we awaken then when we fell asleep. Sleep can be something that happens to us. A passive choice. We can get to a place of such

exhaustion our eyes close of their own volition. 

Rest, on the other hand, means to cease working in order to relax. It mean to refresh oneself. A period of sustained silence. Rest has to be an intentional choice. Rest is choosing to stop. It requires intentionality. Rest means moving things around in your schedule so you have time to do it. I would argue that rest is a very necessary part of our life that gets ignored the most. So, how do I cultivate space for something I need but over look? 

The book of Psalms is a great place to start. In Psalm 116, verse seven it says, "Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." It is in the Lord we find our rest. He showed us how important rest is at the on-set of creation. After six days of creating an entire world, our God rested. That example went on to be part of Israelites calendar. Every seventh day, week, month and even year were set aside for the people of God to rest. Even the land rested at certain periods. 

That is the example we have. Let us embrace it. So often we allow a hurried life dictate our schedule. Let's take that back. Let's surrender our schedule of busy to the one who taught us to rest. 

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