Friday, October 22, 2021

Femme Friday Joanna


Joanna was a contemporary of Jesus. In the above passage, we see that she was one of several women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases. Where they were healed, is unknown. But we do know that these women were changed in such a way that they began walking with Jesus and the disciples. These were women who had means, meaning money and other resources that were beneficial to Jesus's earthly ministry. 

Again, we see that no one who met Jesus stayed the same. Every one was fundamentally changed. For Joanna to join the company of a wandering band of misfits was not something that would have been done in her circle. Joanna having means meant that she came from a stable household. Can you imagine the conversation she had with her husband, Chuza? Chuza served in the household of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee. Chuza knew his wife had been healed by the prophet Jesus Christ, and was probably as grateful as Joanna. But only Joanna joined the disciples in traveling with and supporting Jesus. 

Joanna shows a lot of courage and faith to leave what was a choice position in the house of the Galilean ruler. Joanna chose to walk away from that comfort to travel as a nomad. Supporting Jesus, but also depending on the goodwill and protection the followers of the Way had. This was not a supported political group. This group of men and women often said things that were contrary to the ruling leaders. 

Joanna shows us the importance of sacrificing all we have and are to the kingdom of God. She walked in faith away from her home and towards the unknown of Jesus. May we have that kind of faith. A faith that truly binds us as family with others that are followers of Christ. A faith that has us leave our nets in the sea and walk away from what is known into the unknown. May we have the assurance that as the birds of the air are cared for, so will we be by our gracious Father in Heaven. 

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